Nabilla ? Siapa dia ? Ini dia ♡

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denpasar, bali, Indonesia
nabilla ? who's nabilla ? it's nabilla :) who loves nabilla ? who loves nabilla ? herself of course . looking for something here ? you hate this site ? get out please :) thanks :*****

Jumat, 18 Mei 2012

Real Or Just My Hallucinations ? (σ¬-̮¬)-σ

hai guyss gue pengen bgt cerita sama kalian semua, cuma kayaknya cerita gue nih privat banget -__- pengen bgt ngasitau kalian , tapi hanya orang" tertentu aja yang boleh tau bahkan gaada SATUPUN orang yang tau cerita ini . "ONLY MY SELF WHO KNOW" yepp itulah :D . pokoknya intinya gue lg antara benci dan suka sama seseorang tapi sekarang gue benci banget sm orang itu BENCI SETENGAH MATENG gaada yg bisa nandingin kebenciannya !!! yahh , itulah susahnya jadi gue , dengan tampang pas"an gue ini , gue udah mulai nyadar sihh . orang itu respect ga ?! orang itu respon ga ?! orang itu baik ga ?! orang itu ramah gak ?! pinter ga ?! interesting ga ?! few of them he is looks like :( i can't say anything. remember , THIS ENTRY AIN'T THE GALAU STORY. it's look like a notebook , wrote it anyway , everywhere , and above the story , there was a thousand million tears that i ever have . but i close it, i don't wanna people know how much people hurts me , how big are my pain and i save my words in my mind ! there are : I'm sorry , i hate you , i need you now ! , he missed me ? , you are a bad guy i ever have ! . but one words i never think it's ........ ahh , it's a bullshit guys :D positive things , don't look back , look into front of you , if you falling away in foreign place , try to get up and go ! i believe you can do it ! Labyo guys ! muahh sekian yaa !

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